February Stuff to get your through until the spring
Here is a range of things Geographic, Spatial, and just down right interesting to share with colleagues and students (hopefully they are one and the same)
- In Southern Ontario the only positive thing about February. We that are gaining 3 minutes of sunlight per day. Who knew sunlight could be so cold?
Maps- Interactive and Otherwise
Google Street View maps polar bear country
You can now pay a virtual visit to wild polar bears on the tundra via Google Street View.
The stunning tundra landscape of Cape Churchill and Wapusk National Park in Northern Manitoba — polar bears and all — went online today in honour of International Polar Bear Day.
The situation in Ukraine
Source: Washington Post
Costa for Schools
Costa for Schools is a comprehensive human and physical Geography resource for students aged 11-14. It explores coffee-growing communities around the world and how the coffee trade affects their lives. Around the Globe - Interactive Map pupils can use to discover more about the Coffee Belt countries. Great for Grade 7 natural resources (ML)
January 2014's extreme weather worldwide - interactive map
From temperatures as low as -36C in Russia to some of the wettest weather in the UK’s history, this map shows the extreme weather events of last month from around the world. The data was sourced from the Japanese Meteorological Agency and covers all of January 2014.
Hover over each marker to see which World Meteorological Office station it was recorded at and all the details of the extremity
Energy Consumption by per by country 2010
Map Tour of the International Joint Commission of Canada and the US
Great ESRI Story Map
Real time ocean current map by maker of wind map
The Economist
Wow interesting minds on (ML)
What more can be said!
World and Canadian Issues
California's crippling drought could cost – and benefit – Canadians - Canada - CBC News
For Canadians with a craving for fresh strawberries, the devastating drought in California may mean having to pay more for the kind of produce that is not in season here.
But the agricultural havoc on the U.S. west coast may have a silver lining for Canadian farmers, assuming they can interest the California palate in some heartier alternatives.
Cyclones and frost: Two climate change myths debunked
Scientists have debunked two big myths around climate change by proving firstly, that despite predictions, tropical storms are not increasing in number. However, they are shifting, and South Africa could be at increased risk of being directly impacted by tropical cyclones within the next 40 years. Secondly, while global warming is causing frost to be less severe, late season frost is not receding as quickly as flowering is advancing, resulting in increased frost risk which will likely begin to threaten food security.
Peek Vision
Making high quality eye care portable, cost effective and intuitive
We leverage mobile phone technology to extend the availability of a full range of ophthalmic diagnostic tests outside of high income hospital departments to anywhere in the world: hospital wards, GP surgeries, patient homes and we’re even being tested in the Antarctic!
Very interesting use of technology for developing world (ML)
Cost of natural disasters doubles in China
IT IS a heavy price to pay. China paid out twice as much to mop up after natural disasters in 2013 as it did in either of the previous two years. The rising costs are partly down to climate change.
The geopolitics of the Ukraine crisis
Ukraine experienced the most dramatic weekend in European history since the fall of the communist regimes. Twenty-four hours after unprecedented violence in the streets of Kiev, which claimed the lives of 80 demonstrators and more than a dozen policemen, the situation remains uncertain.
Ukraine: A key geopolitical battleground between Russia and the West
Good Backgrounder (ML)
Syrians to Replace Afghans as Biggest Refugee Population
The top United Nations refugee official said Syrians are about to pass Afghans as the world's biggest refugee population, and that those who have fled the country's crisis "have not escaped their trauma and psychological wounds." Great for inquiry and Critical thought- remember the voice (ML)
Biblical Waters: Can the Jordan River Be Saved?
With the swelling ranks of Syrian refugees in Jordan, an overstressed river is at risk of going dry
South Sudan: 'One of the most dangerous places to give birth'- BBC Video
Spain Might jump time zones to stimulate Economy
If your economy isn't doing so well, just jump into another time zone. This is the strategy pursued by Samoa, for example, which rather dramatically leapt across the International Date Line back in 2011 in order to align its work-week more closely with its Pacific neighbors; and a more local version of this might be the next step for Spain, according to a proposal being kicked around since September.
the Scarlett Johannsson Soda Stream Controversy
We’ve been following carefully how actor Scarlett Johansson (a.k.a Scarjo) was forced last week to choose between her role as an Oxfam Global Ambassador and as the face of soft-drink machine maker Sodastream.
This is the banned TV advert that was due to be shown at half time during Superbowl 2014, the ‘most watched’ TV show in the US. What values are expressed here?
This is a terrific Critical thinking activity (ML)
Introducing Google Maps Gallery: Unlocking the World’s Maps
Starting February 27 2014
Maps Gallery works like an interactive, digital atlas where anyone can search for and find rich, compelling maps. Maps included in the Gallery can be viewed in Google Earth and are discoverable through major search engines, making it seamless for citizens and stakeholders to access diverse mapping data, such as locations of municipal construction projects, historic city plans, population statistics, deforestation changes and up-to-date emergency evacuation routes. Organizations using Maps Gallery can communicate critical information, build awareness and inform the public at-large
Yikes - Story maps you have completion
World Hunger Map from WFP
WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger.Interactive
The severity of California's drought, explained in 1 image
Top 20 Iconic Places to Photograph (National Geographic)
Spring is coming and everybody has started booking holidays to their favorite holiday destination, to make this easy to all holiday makers, we have collected Top 20 Iconic Places to Photograph (National Geographic). Hope you have already visited these places if not then you rethink to book your trip to these lovely places on this valentine day. From the symbol of Love Taj Mahal in India to the world’s most spectacular ruins, Machu Picchu. Well too many Iconic places in the world to visit and photograph that’s why in advance I want to send my heartiest apologies to all that places which I have missed this post – It’s not easy to pick up top 20 list, but it didn’t take long-Khalid Janjua
In pictures: London now and then( England that is )
Neat concept (ML)
It Takes How Much Water to Grow an Almond?!
Why California's drought is a disaster for your favorite fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Great Images and info regarding the California Drought Good for all levels from 7-12(ML)
Olympic curling stones are made from microgranite from the Scottish island of Ailsa Craig
Volcanoes Experience Being Inside the Eruption
When discussing volcanoes, some people may wonder what it feels like to be inside the ash cloud of a volcanic eruption, or stand next to the flowing tongues of hot lava, or simply witness the hot fiery burst of ashes and magma forcing its way through the earth’s crust; the whole experience. While most people would probably evacuate and stay away from an erupting volcano, the Icelanders seem to prefer to do the opposite. They appear to like being inside the action.
North Korea left in the dark ages: NASA image reveals dictator-led state bathed in black
NASA said: "Coastlines are often very apparent in night imagery, as shown by South Korea’s eastern shoreline. But the coast of North Korea is difficult to detect."- Video
Southampton, Solent: How Ordnance Survey Mapped The War
Great link of history and Geography and the role of Mapping Technology (ML)
Ten of the world's most mind-blowing landscapes
Gazing at a remarkable view for the first time is one of travel’s greatest thrills - and these 10 landscapes are among the most mind-blowing we’ve ever seen. Straight from our brand-new hardback Lonely Planet's Beautiful World, these landscapes are almost too extraordinary to be real.
Stats, Graphs and analytics
Google public Data site
up to date data with maps more or less instantly
INFOGRAPHIC: Worldwide 1/3 of food is wasted - see how!
No single research institution working alone can address the critically important issues of global climate change, agriculture and food security. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) will address the increasing challenge of global warming and declining food security on agricultural practices, policies and measures through a strategic collaboration between CGIAR and Future Earth.
Domino's Pizza gets customer specific using geospatial analytics
Interesting for senior Geomatics students. Good Careers piece (ML)
Global megatrend #9: Urbanization
How can government plan for infrastructure better so that it is timely, effective and sustainable?
What is government doing to get rid of poverty in my city? San Francisco Case Study- Good info Graph (ML)
A giant billboard made from over 5,000 bananas was unveiled on Clapham Common in south London this morning, to mark the start of Fairtrade Fortnight and the Make Bananas Fair campaign.
Fairtrade has teamed up with Colombian banana farmer, Foncho Cantillo, to call on Government to put an end to supermarket price wars, which are driving down the price of the UK’s favourite fruit and trapping many of the farmers and workers who grow them in poverty.
$2.6 Billion GPS Fitness Device Market Overshadowed by Smart Devices and Wearables
Cold medallists
Some countries excel at summer sports while slipping up on snow_ Great inquiry starter(ML)
Great Data & Graphs on the medals of the 2014Winter Olympics
4 Great National Geographic Time line to share with students
Timelines compiled by the folks of National Geographic. These timelines span four major themes: Women Explorers, History of National Geographic, Space Exploration and Underwater Explorations.
DON’T PANIC — The Facts About Population
The world might not be as bad as you might believe!
Don’t Panic – is a one-hour long documentary produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcasted on BBC on the 7th of November 2013. The visualizations are based on original graphics and stories by Gapminder and the underlaying data-sources are listed here. Hans’s — “All time favorite graph”, is an animating bubble chart which you can interact with online here and download offline here. Video
Understanding OUR World (Real Geographic Concepts)
What is Sea Level?
Very informative Video (ML)
5 lost rivers that run under Toronto
The Don, Humber, and Rouge get all the glory, but Toronto is much more than a three-river town. Before John Graves Simcoe, when the land that would occupy the city was thick with trees and thickets, its soft soil was traversed by numerous streams and creeks that over centuries etched out deep ravines and sculpted rolling dales.
Sustainability & Environmental Issues (though what isn’t?)
How Wolves Can Alter the Course of Rivers- Video
When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States after being absent nearly 70 years, the most remarkable "trophic cascade" occurred. What is a trophic cascade and how exactly do wolves change rivers? George Monbiot explains in this movie remix titled, 'How Wolves Change Rivers'.
A Hunk Of Planet Dissolves Before Our Eyes
It begins with a growl. Then there's a crack — a slurpy, sucky, crunchy noise. A guy is on the phone, and his pal interrupts him and says, "It's starting, Adam, I think. Adam? It's starting ..." The two are up on a bluff, overlooking a giant ice field. They are standing next to time-lapse cameras. What happens next is astonishing: An enormous frozen, icy hunk of our planet suddenly opens, splits into bits and then sinks right before our eyes into the sea. It happens so, so quickly. And the scale of it? That's the part that shocked me. When they superimpose part of Manhattan Island onto the ice at the end of the clip, you think, "Uh oh." This is a peek into something monstrous.
Video From Chasing Ice http://tiny.tw/3hAZ
What Are Fish Stocks – interesting Info graphic
fish stocks and determining sustainability:
Turning Down the Widening Gyre of Plastic Micropollutants
Look on the shores of the Great Lakes, or in the Los Angeles River, for instance, and you will find them: Tiny microbeads, as they’re called. The beads come hundreds of thousands to a single tube of exfoliating body wash or super-cleansing toothpaste. They are too tiny to be caught by the filtration systems of water treatment plants. Now they are turning up everywhere, to the alarm of environmentalists who say they could have significant effects on ecosystems.
How much bigger can container ships get?
The world's cargo ships are getting big, really big. No surprise, perhaps, given the volume of goods produced in Asia and consumed in Europe and the US. But are these giant symbols of the world's trade imbalance growing beyond all reason?
Study Confirms Tar Sands Contamination First Nations Warned of for Years
A new study puts the spotlight on tar sands' threat to one of the planet's precious and increasingly scarce resources—water.
The study by Environment Canada shows that tailings ponds, open 'lakes' that hold toxic bi-products from tar sands mining, are leaching into groundwater and contaminating Alberta's Athabasa River.
Who, What, Why: Do beavers prevent flooding?
After heavy flooding across southern England, there are calls for beavers to be reintroduced. Would they help, asks Tom de Castella. We have some they can have (ML)
Interesting Video (ML)
Compilations Blogs Resource Banks and just stuff
His words –“i am an ordinary Geography teacher. This is my first ever blog. i am trying to start a blog that is useful to teachers and students of the new AQA Geography GCSE Syllabus A. My plan is vague atm but it involves putting my lesson resources and ideas on the site so that other teachers can borrow them if they so wish
Seth Dixon
His words - I'm a geography professor at Rhode Island College. I tweet @APHumanGeog I welcome suggestions & appreciate meaningful collaboration. http://geographyeducation.org
Obituary: Roger Tomlinson put your cellphone (and nearly everything else) on the map
Roger Tomlinson is generally recognized as the father of GIS.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
A resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators
Loads of great articles relating to a variety of geographical topics
Kids to validating satellite Image: “Spatial-kids” and crowd sourcing
Interesting take on kids understanding of spatial awareness and Technology (ML)
Mark Lowry
Geography and Spatial Technologies Instructional Leader
Social World Studies and Humanities
Toronto District School Board
1 Civic Center Court, Toronto , M9C 2B3
Tel (416) 394-7269 Cell (416) 576 -4515
twitter @geogmark
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