cluster map

Friday, February 28, 2014

ESRI Storymaps to support Ontario Curriculum

Story Maps to Support Ontario Curriculum Expectations Grs 1-12

In order to support the connection of the” WHAT TO THE WHERE, WHY THERE and ultimately WHY CARE” in the revised Ontario Canadian & world Studies Geography and Social Studies  Curriculum, many teachers and students have asked how we use maps to tell stories. Well ESRI has created a utility that meets these  needs directly.

The Idea of the “Spatial Journal “ is everywhere.

The following is a selection of Story maps create in the ESRI ArcGIS online platform from authors and collaborators around the world. They have been identified as fitting some specific Curriculum expectations of the Ontario SSGH & CWS curriculum, but have lots of transferability As this is just a sample many more can be found in the galley

It is hoped that students and teachers in Ontario will use the utility of ArcGIS Online to create their own Story Maps (aka Spatial Journals ) and to this end the instructions ,and site are noted at the end of this document

Explore the Growing World of Story Maps

A community of storytellers is producing story maps about a variety of locations and topics. You can help us populate this map! Use our templates to tell the story of your special place.


Grades 1-6

Santas Around the World

In the US he's known as Santa Claus, but how has this traditional Christmas character evolved and transformed over time and around the world?

NEW Zoo Map Tour

This "map tour" will allow you to take a virtual sightseeing trip through all the exhibits and buildings at the NEW Zoo of Brown County.- Good for Primary Grades

The Helsinki Zoo. Where the animals live.

(click on the translate button to translate from Finish)

The Changing Face of Canada     (excellent for grade 6)

This map story explores the diversity of Canada (2006) and the projected % change of visible minorities from 2006-2031 at the CMA level.

Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots


Grade 7

TwistyRoads within 3 Hours of the 2013 BMW MOA International Rally

The host for this year's BMW MOA International Rally is Salem, Oregon. These highway segments have the highest TwistyScore within a 3 hour ride of the Rally. Provided by

Great to teach elevation , mountains & contours

Akaishidake early winter (Japan)

I was back and forth two nights and three days Akaishidake November 25, 2013 (Sat) - November 23, 2013 (Monday), from Nagano Prefecture Oshika village

Great for Physical – mountain building, contour lines map reading- was created in Japanese but with click of a button it is translated

The Unknown World on the Ocean Floor

Great Oceanographic study out of Sweden

GIS for Forestry

Case studies of geographic information system applications for forest management.

Top Ten most damaging U.S. hurricanes of all time

What were the worst hurricanes ever? What would happen if they hit today? A NOAA study examined these questions, and came up with this rogue’s gallery of mega-storms.

Geysers and Other Geothermal Waters

Hot springs, geysers, fumaroles, and mud pots are examples of geothermal phenomena. Since hot springs are so numerous (thousands of them exist), this app maps only large basins of geothermal activities, geysers (hot and cold), and travertine pools, which are rare enough to be included.

40 Most Interesting Volcanoes

Most volcanoes are dangerous, capricious, unpredictable, but pretty. And, many of them smell bad.

Our Oceans -- LIVE!!

Take a map tour of world oceans via live webcams.

Renewable Energy

Which countries are leading the way in transitioning away from fossil fuels?

Grade 8

Is the World Full or Empty?

Answer: it's both. Human population is unevenly distributed across the face of the planet. While some localities have more than 100,000 people per square mile, vast stretches of earth's surface are nearly devoid of people.

The World Heritage of Japan

Enjoy this selection of world heritage sites in Japan

Syrian Refugee Camps

Current data on Syrian refugee camps in neighboring countries as well as Internally Displaced Persons camps within Syria

Human Population Reaches a Milestone

Sometime in late 2011, according to estimates, Earth’s human population surpassed the seven billion mark. Despite a general decline in birth rates, world population increases by some 83 million people each year. This growth will continue for decades to come, challenging our ability to feed ourselves and to sustain the natural capital on which human societies depend. The maps presented here explore a few population patterns: how our billions are distributed across the face of the Earth; regional differences in rates of population increase; and broad disparities in life expectancy.

The most popular honeymoon destinations

Whether you are newlywed or just looking to revive the old spark, here are 10 best destinations to go for your honeymoon the world has to offer you!

Pressure on forest resources of Nepal due to household firewood consumption

Feeding the world: Can global crop production meet future demands?

Crop production will have to double by 2050 to fulfill the needs of a growing and increasingly affluent population. Meeting this challenge will be difficult but not impossible, according to the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment.


Comprehending Urban Biodiversity in Abu Dhabi

EAD's Outreach Efforts at Understanding Biodiversity through GIS and Smart Apps.

Brinkworth Cattle Drive | Historic journey south from Queensland to New South Wales in Australia

In 2013 more than 18,000 cattle headed 2,500 kilometres south from drought stricken Queensland to greener pastures in New South Wales in the largest cattle drive for 100 years


Global Footprint


Grade 9

Watersheds in Eastern Ontario

What is a Watershed? Visit the Conservation Ontario website to find out. This map shows The County of Frontenac and watersheds at various levels throughout Ontario



Old Ottawa: A Capital Uncovered

Take a map-based tour looking back at some of the historical features, events and settings in Canada's capital city.

(Photo Source: Facebook. "Lost Ottawa". Accessed: July 2013.)

GIS for Forestry

Case studies of geographic information system applications for forest management

Senior geography & others (some are really fun)

Sarah Palin's Alaska

Political powerhouse turned pop-culture phenom, Sarah Palin, showcased some of the many features of Alaska in her very own reality television show, which ran for just one season in the winter of 2010-11. Take a guided map tour through some of the show's highlights below... (Photo Source: Gilles Mingasson. "Sarah Palin's Alaska". Accessed: July 2013.)

Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots


Seinfeld: A Map About Nothing

Arguably one of the best television sitcoms ever, Seinfeld originally aired from 1989 to 1998 and remains in syndication to this day. The show featured various locations around New York City, some of which are displayed as a map tour below with a corresponding YouTube video for each. Yadda, yadda, yadda...

Great map story for modern culture , urbanization , USA values etc

Ghostbusters: Something Strange In Your Neighborhood

One of the most easily recognizable blockbuster film-franchises from the 1980s, Ghostbusters was an action-comedy focusing on supernatural events taking place in New York City. The first film was released in 1984, along with a sequel in 1989. Take a map-guided tour below of some of the spots where Peter, Egon, Ray and Winston lived out their adventures.

Another great what meet where –Great American Cultural study – RIP Harold Ramis

Syrian Refugee Camps

Current data on Syrian refugee camps in neighboring countries as well as Internally Displaced Persons camps within Syria

Brinkworth Cattle Drive | Historic journey south from Queensland to New South Wales in Australia

In 2013 more than 18,000 cattle headed 2,500 kilometres south from drought stricken Queensland to greener pastures in New South Wales in the largest cattle drive for 100 years

Sustainability & Environmental Issues

Outlook for European cities: higher temperatures and longer heat waves

Climate models suggest that Europe's urban areas will experience more hot days and tropical nights. These maps examine model predictions and urban conditions.

Pacific Ocean Science and Exploration

Come with us on a tour of some of the wildest, most exciting places being explored and studied in the world's largest ocean, the Pacific. Map by "Deepsea Dawn" Wright,

Our Oceans -- LIVE!!

Take a map tour of world oceans via live webcams.

Global Footprint

Natural disasters and Physical Geography

Tectonic Plates Movement and its Consequences

The Earth lithosphere is broken up into tectonic plates. Twenty plates are continuously migrating, apparently in uncoordinated fashion. Where plates meet, their relative motion determines the type of boundary: convergent, divergent, and transform. The great majority of all earthquakes and volcanic activity occurs along the plate boundaries. The movement of the plates varies from zero to 100 mm annually.


Top Ten most damaging U.S. hurricanes of all time

What were the worst hurricanes ever? What would happen if they hit today? A NOAA study examined these questions, and came up with this rogue’s gallery of mega-storms.

Geysers and Other Geothermal Waters

Hot springs, geysers, fumaroles, and mud pots are examples of geothermal phenomena. Since hot springs are so numerous (thousands of them exist), this app maps only large basins of geothermal activities, geysers (hot and cold), and travertine pools, which are rare enough to be included.

40 Most Interesting Volcanoes

Most volcanoes are dangerous, capricious, unpredictable, but pretty. And, many of them smell bad.

Esri Impact Map for Superstorm Sandy

A collection of dynamic maps showing impacted counties provided by FEMA with Esri demographic data.

Select a demographic map using the tabs. Click any county to view demographic information.

Comprehending Urban Biodiversity in Abu Dhabi

EAD's Outreach Efforts at Understanding Biodiversity through GIS and Smart Apps.

Travel & Tourism

The most popular honeymoon destinations

Whether you are newlywed or just looking to revive the old spark, here are 10 best destinations to go for your honeymoon the world has to offer you!

Place-based Geography Videos ( in a true Spatial journal)

Professor Seth Dixon shares some of his favorite geographic videos. Connecting the WHAT &THE WHERE


Historical Geography

Spyglass on the Past: New York City 1836 and Today

New York City in 1836, as depicted on a map from the David Rumsey collection, compared to a modern satellite image of the city.


Monuments Men: Recovering Europe's Plundered Art

The Monuments Men movie depicts the Allied effort to protect, recover, and return priceless artifacts damaged in World War II or looted by the Nazis. Here's the real story of the desperate effort to save Europe's artistic and cultural heritage.

The 3rd Battle of Ypres - Passchendaele

Campaign of the WWI fought by the British and their allies against the German Empire on the Western Front, between July and November 1917, for the control of the ridges south and east of the Belgian city of Ypres in West Flanders

A Walking Tour of Port Royal (Jamaica, West Indies)

This map acts as a guide to help you explore the infamous town that was home to Privateers and Pirates from around the world...

Our Oceans -- LIVE!!

Take a map tour of world oceans via live webcams.

The World in 1812 and 2013
Compare the modern world, as depicted on this National Geographic map, with the world as it was perceived two centuries earlier.

Pressure on forest resources of Nepal due to household firewood consumption

You too can create a map story – aka Spatial Journal

 Here is an example : Flatwater Kayaking: A Personal Journey

A Story Map of 60+ Paddle-Powered Adventures in the Western United States.

Lesson Packs to create Story maps

War of 1812 (Web Lesson)

In this lesson pack, you will use ArcGIS Online to create a spatial journal based on historical events surrounding the Battle of Fort George during the War of 1812. Students will explore how the British first lost occupation of Fort George and then the events that led to them capturing the fort. To complete the lesson, students create a collection of point, line and polygon features and symbolize them with appropriate symbols and colours.

View the lesson here:

 We have a public group on ArcGIS Online, ArcCanada

All teachers in Ontario can be on the Ontario Edu group

Instructions for creating your own Story Maps

The following are a list of You Tube Video’s that will walk you through creating your own Story Maps

Esri Story Maps for Education: Introduction

A Story Maps Primer

Esri Story Maps for Education: Creating, 1 of 2

Esri Story Maps for Education: Creating, 2 of 2




Mark Lowry

Geography and Spatial Technologies Instructional Leader

Social World Studies and Humanities

Toronto District School Board

1 Civic Center Court, Toronto , M9C 2B3

Tel (416) 394-7269   Cell (416) 576 -4515


twitter @geogmark




FW: Athletes of the First Winter Olympics



The Athletes of the First Winter Olympics


What skaters, ski jumpers, and curlers looked like in 1924.

By Juliana Jiménez Jaramillo

Much has changed since the first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France, in 1924. The “International Winter Sports Week” featured about 250 athletes participating in 16 events across six sports, including the usual suspects like figure skating, bobsled, and ice hockey, as well as a military patrol competition. (The military event was won, strangely, by the Swiss.) Competitors’ attire was less slick and aerodynamic than we see today, with the look perhaps best described as Great Gatsby on Ice. Check out the best winter sportsmen of the 1920s in our collection of images from Chamonix.

Speedskaters at the starting line.

Photos via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




The Swedish and British curling teams.

Photos via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Three members of the Swedish curling team taking a break to have a drink.

Photos via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Clearing snow at the Olympic stadium.

Photos via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




An ice hockey team.

Photos via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Jacob Tullin Thams of Norway, gold medalist in ski jumping.

Photo via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Norway's Sonja Henie finished eighth (out of eight) in figure skating in Chamonix. She was just 11 years old. Henie would go on to win gold in 1928, 1932, and 1936.

Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Andrée Joly and Pierre Brunet won bronze in pairs figure skating in Chamonix before taking gold in 1928 and 1932. The French couple got married in 1929.

Photos via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Julius Skutnabb and Clas Thunberg of Finland won a combined eight speedskating medals in Chamonix.

Photo via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Competitors in the bobsled.

Photo via Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




The silver-medal-winning British bobsled team.

Chamonix 1924 Official Olympic Report




Spectators and the official stand.

