Great Experience available .
As it happens the Canadian Geographic Energy Map which is presently in the TDSB is available for 2 other schools . I will handle the cost of shipping from school to school . It is finishing up at Don Valley Middle school on Wednesday February 26 and would be available to go to a school on the morning of the 27th . It is suggested that a school have it for 3 days so :
· One school Feb27 until March 3rd ( morning )
· March 3rd afternoon until Friday March 7th (morning )
Unrolled, the map is roughly 8m x 11m so most school s have used it in either a Gym or a cafeteria
It come with a truck of lessons and activities. If you would like feedback on its utility please feel free to contact;
Kanerva, Taina Taina.Kanerva@tdsb.on.ca
Please also let your teachers know that they can view our lesson plans before the map comes. The complete teacher’s guide and activities can be viewed on our website. http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/educational_products/energy_production_floor_map.asp
Here are the shipping instructions:
Map shipping tube size is: 15” x 86 “, weight is about 75-100 pounds.
Trunk size is: 32” x 18” x 22.5”, weight is about 50 pounds.
The schools responsibility is to roll it up to have ready for shipping at the required time . As we only have time for two schools it is on a first come first serve basis .
Please feel free to contact me with any questions . Those schools that have used it have found it to be very engaging and a great place to start inquiry in the classroom
Cheers Mark
Mark Lowry
Geography and Spatial Technologies Instructional Leader
Social World Studies and Humanities
Toronto District School Board
1 Civic Center Court, Toronto , M9C 2B3
Tel (416) 394-7269 Cell (416) 576 -4515
twitter @geogmark
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