cluster map

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Some thoughts and resources to ponder on Snowy Late February

Things to Ponder on a slushy day in Late February

I am very excited as to how this blog repository and archive is becoming a collaborative effort. Thank you to the many of you who are sending in various resources. To this end I apologise to those of you that may receive some of these offering a couple of times. And I also apologise to those students and pre-service teachers who have not received there marks because their instructors are scavenging for great new resources. You know who you are! 



from Catbird Productions PLUS 4 months ago NOT YET RATED

Once upon a time, in almost every city, many rivers flowed. Why did they disappear? How? And could we see them again? This documentary tries to find answers by meeting visionary urban thinkers, activists and artists from around the world.

Written & Directed by Caroline Bâcle
Produced by Katarina Soukup
Catbird Films, Inc (Montreal, Canada)

This starts at Bloor Doc on Friday I believe and includes the lost rivers of Toronto


 Tina McPhee



North Korea expanding gulag network, satellite images show

National Post Staff | Feb 26, 2013 8:45 PM ET

The beauty of remote sensing.....

Ralph Hepperle


Hot Doc's Reminder

From Lesley Sparks:



Our exciting news is that we will be have two, Oscar nominated films for you to select from the IN SCHOOL mix:


•             5 BROKEN CAMERAS:  nominated in best Documentary Feature category (90 minutes)


•             INOCENTE: won the Oscar in Documentary Shorts category  (39 minutes)


In December we announced these docs will be part of our IN SCHOOL program:

•             BIG BOYS GONE BANANAS!*  - (education cut - 55 minutes)

•             PEOPLE OF A FEATHER  - (52 minutes)

•             DETROPIA - (91 minutes)

•             THE WORLD BEFORE HER - (education cut – 90 min)….and there are still more docs to tell you about in the coming weeks.


•             Our goal is to have the education packages posted in February for the announced films.

•             Online bookings will not take place until March 20 or 21st…..tbc, but you will get plenty of notice.

•             DFS is under the umbrella of the Hot Docs Festival, so the dates are April 25 – May 5 for your In School screenings.

•             There will be Teacher Info Sessions happening in March.  Dates tba

•             DFS will be at the TDSB PDday on February 15

•             ….and don't forget that Docs For Schools is a FREE program.


For teachers in the GTA, we are offering one screening in March,

Wednesday, March 6 at 10:00 AM


D: David Redmon, Ashley Sabin | 78 min | English

SPECIAL SCREENING in conjunction with International Women's Day

Discussion and Q&A with students will follow film. Click for details.

NOTE: $5.00 per student admission fee (teachers free)

Subject Connections: Phys Ed, Politics, Fashion, Women's Issues

Stay tuned….lots more exciting info to come.

 Please share with your colleagues.

…and as always, please be in touch if any questions or comments.

Lesley Lesley Sparks
Education & Youth Programs Manager
110 Spadina Avenue, Suite 333
Toronto, ON  M5V 2K4
T: 416.203.2155 X253 | F: 416.203.0446 | E:


Hot Docs, April 25 – May 5, 2013 –


Here are a number of Resources forwarded by Anne Smith

(Geography Pre-service teacher at Queens )





A number of these are repeats but that only helps to re-enforce how good some of these resources are!!



Anne R. Smith, B.A.(Hons), B.Ed., M.Ed., OCT

  Adjunct Instructor







Tip- Shortening URLs

With the number of internet resources and linked URLs we all use working with them can be an issue. Especially when we are trying to have students copy them in a non digital form. One of the simple answers to tis is to use a URL shorting program . there are many out there . I am going to demonstrate using one called "bit.uZ.

It is extremely easy to use (once downloaded) and makes it very easy to transfer your URLs.

Here is an example:


Then after going through an URL shortener:

these are also archived in case you need to get back to them

app download at:


Teaching World Health and Nutrition

Here are a number of complimentary resources to use when discussing food consumption and the effects of junk food


Obesity worldwide: Map of the world's weight:

The World Health Organisation (WHO) database contains global comparisons of overweight and obesity prevalence broken down over time. The map below shows the overweight and obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m²) prevalence by gender and country. Click on the map to see the figures by place and use the drop down menu to change year displayed, or explore the table below


The Composition of the American Household

The composition of the American household is changing. People often focus on the growing, diverse populations of Hispanics, blacks and Asians as well as an increase in the multiracial and ethnic populations. However, household size and makeup is also changing. Husband, wife, 2.5 kids, and a dog is no longer the norm. Households are now much more varied with single-parent, multi-generational, non-family, and one-person households comprising a larger portion of the population.

A must-read! The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food

Glocalization study on McDonalds –Use with the hamburger activity



Ideas for Digital Citizenship PBL Projects


Ultimate Location-Based Travel Apps: @CNN Ranks Travel Apps for Smartphones


Turning Tides, Rivers and Waves into Renewable Energy

By Chantal Hunter

February 2012


Like to know more about the Canadian boreal forest? Check out these fact sheets!..

Shipfinder: Track Boats in Real-Time

Has some real utility in transportation and global communications Geography. Plus it is fun!


Google Maps for Education provides resources to help teachers and students explore, create, and collaborate with mapping tools. Students who are taught geography are better equipped to understand how human and physical systems interact and to make informed decisions based on that knowledge.


Back to basics with GIS

Great blog from our Geo-friend in Australia Malcolm McInerney. They face many similar problems.

Please if you haven't filled in the survey please take the time do do it before march break. It will be going down then

Geo-spatial Technologies School Usage . To fill it out, visit:


Search Four Maps with One Search:

Teachers!! Project Atmosphere - Summer Meteorology Workshop Professional Development -Canadian Geographic Education


#ISS time-lapse video: Our Earth is beautiful and dynamic. MT "@BT_PHOTO: Video I made with stills from the ISS

Minds On- Using the Chris Hatfield, Ed Robertson, & the Wexford Gleeks

Lyrics to follow if you would like:

Is Somebody Singing (ISS)


10, 9, 8, 7 (go for) Main Engine Start

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and Lift Off

How are you Chris?

Nice to see you too.

On solid fuel and wires

Turn the key and the light the fires.

We're leaving Earth today

The rockets burning bright


We'll soon be out of sight

And or biting in space

Pushed back in my seat

Look out my window

There goes home


That ball of shiny blue houses everybody anybody ever knew


So sing your song I'm listening out where stars are glistening

I can hear your voices bouncing off the moon

If you could see our Nation from the international space station

You'd know why I want to get back soon


(Eighteen thousand miles an hour feel the rumbling power

Earth is racing past

At half a thousand tons

Ninety minutes Moon to Sun



Can anything be gone this fast)


Eighteen thousand miles an hour

Fueled by science and solar power

The oceans racing past

At half a thousand tons

Ninety minutes Moon to Sun

A bullet can't go half this fast


Floating from my seat

Look out my window

There goes Home

That brilliant ball of blue

Is where I'm from, and also where I'm going to


Pushed back in the seat

Look out my window

Here comes home

What once was fueled by fear

Now has fifteen Nation orbiting together here.


All back and white just fades to grey

Where the sunrises sixteen times a day

You can't make out borders from up here

Just a spinning ball within a tiny atmosphere


You'd know why I want to get back soon


1/Use a Mind Map to identify where you see evidence or may use this for:

Engagement, collaboration, technology , Problem based Learning or just thinking outside the box.



























Mark Lowry

Geography and Geotechnologies Instructional Leader

Social World Studies and Humanities

Toronto District School Board

1 Civic Centre Court

Toronto , On ,M9C 2B3

Tel; (416) 394-7269

Cell; (416) 576-4515

Fax; (416) 394-6420


twitter @geogmark




Monday, February 11, 2013

Survey reminder

Hi All: I want to thank all of you who have filled in the Geo-spatial Technologies School Usage survey. This is the kind of information that is needed to be able to lobby our Administrators, school boards and ministry into supporting this technology . please pass this on and get as many geography teachers as possible to honestly fill this in . This data has the potential of being powerful.

If you are outside the TDSB please at least identify your board. Now is the time as this data is needed to support the new curriculum .

The purpose of this survey is to gauge the level of usage and support for Geo-Spatial technologies within the Toronto District and other school boards throughout Ontario.As we move forward with a new curriculum that will have a focus on 21st century skills (i.e. spatial technologies ) it is important to know where we are really at and how classes can be supported. If you are filling in the survey from outside Ontario could you please identify where you are responding from . Any questions please contact

I've invited you to fill out the form Geo-spatial Technologies School Usage . To fill it out, visit:

Thanking you in advance


Mark Lowry

Geography and Geotechnologies Instructional Leader

Social World Studies and Humanities

Toronto District School Board

1 Civic Centre Court

Toronto , On ,M9C 2B3

Tel; (416) 394-7269

Cell; (416) 576-4515

Fax; (416) 394-6420


twitter @geogmark




Wednesday, February 6, 2013

FW: Geo-spatial Technologies School Usage

Further to the last e-mail . I failed to mention.

Could you please pass this on to other teachers in your school , or board . the power of this will be the numbers of responders . Thanks Mark


Mark Lowry

Geography and Geotechnologies Instructional Leader

Social World Studies and Humanities

Toronto District School Board

1 Civic Centre Court

Toronto , On ,M9C 2B3

Tel; (416) 394-7269

Cell; (416) 576-4515

Fax; (416) 394-6420


twitter @geogmark




From: Lowry, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:48 PM
Subject: Geo-spatial Technologies School Usage


As promised:

With the new curriculum being introduced in the near future ,we know there will be a amplified focus on Geo-spatial technologies as these are identified skills of the 21th century Learner.

In some respects, the potential of 21st century skills lies in the exploration of how digital tools (cameras, presentation software, computing equipment) and online resources can support and enhance traditional subjects, skills and teaching practices. The Internet alone provides students with enormous opportunities to access:

  • A trove of primary source documents previously located on library shelves, but now available online through digital archives.
  • Authentic scientific data across a range of fields from current and historical meteorological forecast data to economic statistics
  • Geospatial tools that combine data with dynamic maps
  • Global communications media that make distance collaboration, cross-cultural exchanges and rich media experiences possible

This information is from Thinkfinity (

The purpose of this survey is to gauge the level of usage and support for Geo-Spatial technologies within the Toronto District and other school boards throughout Ontario. As we move forward with a new curriculum that will have a focus on 21st century skills (i.e. spatial technologies ) it is important to know where we are really at and how classes can be supported. If you are filling in the survey from outside Ontario could you please identify where you are responding from . Any questions please contact

Here is the survey link.

I've invited you to fill out the form Geo-spatial Technologies School Usage . To fill it out, visit:

I will make sure the results get collated and published so we are able to use them within our own groups.  

Thanking you in advance ,

Mark Lowry

Geography and Geotechnologies Instructional Leader

Social World Studies and Humanities

Toronto District School Board

1 Civic Centre Court

Toronto , On ,M9C 2B3

Tel; (416) 394-7269

Cell; (416) 576-4515

Fax; (416) 394-6420


twitter @geogmark