On this blog you will find archived resources that have been put forward by interested Geographic educators including members of the Toronto Geography Teachers Association (TGTA) ,the Ontario Association for Geographic and Environmental Education(OAGEE) the Ontario Geography Consultants Association(OGCA) and other International Geographers. As Geography is considered under the larger topic of Social Studies outside of Ontario, those social studies teachers may find some of the resources useful.
cluster map
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
and More
now the Sandy URL
Interesting Sandy Map and other stuff

Hi all : here is an interesting interactive google Map on hurricane Sandy . Also information on a talk about creating cultural landscapes. Enjoy Mark
From: Centre for City Ecology <info@cityecology.net>
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 11:53 AM
Subject: CCE Event: Exploring Cultural Landscapes with Julian Smith
To: Torie <toriegervais@gmail.com>
Mark Lowry
Geography and Geotechnologies Instructional Leader
Social World Studies and Humanities
Toronto District School Board
1 Civic Centre Court
Toronto , On ,M9C 2B3
Tel; (416) 394-7269
Cell; (416) 576-4515
Fax; (416) 394-6420
Monday, October 22, 2012
OAGEE conference is over for another year

Hi All ; well the OAGEE conference is over for another year and as always it was a fabulous conference. It was great to see many Geographer teachers from the TDSB and environs at the conference. The speakers, field trips and workshops were great. It was a distinct honour to present one of Our Own “Ethel Johnston “ with the OAGEE award of distinction .the OAGEE award that goes to an Ontario Educator who is passionate about and exemplifies great Geographic education within the Province of Ontario. The could be no more fitting recipient that Ethel. I am also pleased to announce that Paul Hackl has become the new regional rep for the TDSB as Ewan Geddes moves into the role of VP for Membership . TDSB will certainly be well represented. We did hear from the ministry that things are still on track for the roll out of the new curriculum with the elementary some time right around Christmas and the secondary in the late winter. There will be much more to come on that front .
A reminder !! the TGTA tour of the new waterfront and social after is on for this Wednesday ( October 24th ). Please email Dimitra Tsanos@tdsb.on.ca for details .
Here are a few resources that I have gleaned over the last couple of day’s. I especially recommend the Paul Nicklen Ted talk . It is a great minds on for all ages.
Interesting geography stuff
Ted Talk -Paul Nicklen: Tales of ice-bound wonderlands
Diving under the Antarctic ice to get close to the much-feared leopard seal, photographer Paul Nicklen found an extraordinary new friend. Share his hilarious, passionate stories of the polar wonderlands, illustrated by glorious images of the animals who live on and under the ice.
Paul Nicklen photographs the creatures of the Arctic and Antarctic, generating global awareness about wildlife in these isolated and endangered environments.
Fabulous minds on to introduction to the Arctic- Images are exquisite
Ted Talk -Aris Venetikidis: Making sense of maps
Map designer Aris Venetikidis is fascinated by the maps we draw in our minds as we move around a city -- less like street maps, more like schematics or wiring diagrams, abstract images of relationships between places. How can we learn from these mental maps to make better real ones? As a test case, he remakes the notorious Dublin bus map. (Filmed at TEDxDublin)
Great for Senor Students
Ted Talks can be downloaded for future viewing if you are having trouble with them buffering
80% of Americans Live Within 20 Miles of a Starbucks
Ah, Starbucks: You know you're in civilization when you're near one, and now, you can see just how ubiquitous it is with this map of the U.S. based on Starbucks locations by If We Assume's James R. A. Davenport.
These are rescooped articles from a
"Geo enthusiast and professional. My interests include Remote Sensing, Geography, Cartography, GIS, Spatial Analysis, Geospatial Sciences, Geopolitics, Geomatics" use the scoop it app
Another Scoop it individual is Seth Dixon whose GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION scoop it Blog is quite interesting. He identifies it as ‘Global news with a spatial perspective: resources for educators and the inherently inquisitive.” http://www.scoop.it/t/geography-education
Mark Lowry
Geography and Geotechnologies Instructional Leader
Social World Studies and Humanities
Toronto District School Board
1 Civic Centre Court
Toronto , On ,M9C 2B3
Tel; (416) 394-7269
Cell; (416) 576-4515
Fax; (416) 394-6420
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Reminder: Waterfront Toronto Tour, TGTA Event, Wed. Oct. 24th, 2012 4:30-6p,
Monday, October 1, 2012
one more from the To. Star

The Toronto Star on Sunday was jam packed with Geography stuff. Here is another article sent in By Paul Van Zant from Peel.
Travel Column: Keep your GPS, I’ll take a map
Published on Saturday September 29, 2012
Mark Lowry
Geography and Geotechnologies Instructional Leader
Social World Studies and Humanities
Toronto District School Board
1 Civic Centre Court
Toronto , On ,M9C 2B3
Tel; (416) 394-7269
Cell; (416) 576-4515
Fax; (416) 394-6420
Interesting tidbits to start off October
New contributions
I've been using a great BBC series on cartography in my 1D class. Its available at TVO. Here's the link.